JUMP TON-central API-ServiceAuthenticationObtains a new API-Access token using a valid refresh token.postObtains access and refresh tokens using an N-central User-API Token (JWT).postList the authentication-related links.getCheck the validity of the API-Access token.getAPI-ServicePREVIEW: Get extra information about the version of different systems in N-central using credentials.postList links to other endpoints.getReturn version information of the running API-Service.getPREVIEW: Get information about the version of different systems in N-central.getReturn the start and current time of the server. This indicates that the server is running.getDevicesRetrieve a device asset lifecycle information by Device ID.getModifies the Asset Lifecycle Information by Device Id.putModifies the Asset Lifecycle Information by Device Id.patchPREVIEW : Retrieve the list of devices by org unit id.getRetrieve the list of devices.getRetrieve a device by ID.getPREVIEW : Retrieves the status of the service monitoring tasks for a given device.getRetrieve Asset Information for a device by ID.getPREVIEW : Retrieves the appliance-task information.getOrganization UnitsRetrieve a list of all service organizations.getPREVIEW: Creates a new service organization (SO).postPREVIEW: Retrieve a list of all customers under a service organization.getPREVIEW: Creates a customer.postPREVIEW: Retrieve a list of sites under a customer.getPREVIEW: Creates a site.postRetrieve a list of all sites.getPREVIEW: Retrieve a site.getPREVIEW: Retrieve a service organization.getRetrieve a list of all organization units.getPREVIEW: Retrieve an organization unit.getPREVIEW: Retrieve a list of all organization units children.getRetrieve a list of all customers.getPREVIEW: Retrieve a customer.getDevice FiltersPREVIEW: Retrieve the list of filters.getCustom PropertiesPREVIEW: Update the default organization unit custom property.putPREVIEW: Get the organization unit custom property.getPREVIEW: Update the organization unit custom property.putPREVIEW: Get the device custom property.getPREVIEW: Modify Device Custom PropertyputPREVIEW: Get the organization unit custom property.getPREVIEW: Get the list of organization custom properties.getPREVIEW: Retrieve Device Default Custom Property information by organization unit id and property idgetPREVIEW: Retrieve Device Custom Properties by device idgetScheduled TasksCreate a direct-support schedule task.postList the task-related links.getRetrieves general information for a given task.getRetrieves aggregated status for a given task.getRetrieves detailed status per device for a given task.getMaintenance WindowsPREVIEW : Adds set of maintenance windows for a list of given devices.postPREVIEW : Deletes device patch maintenance windows by given list of Schedule Ids.deletePREVIEW : Retrieves all maintenance windows for a device.getUsersPREVIEW: List the user related links.getPREVIEW: Retrieve the list of users.getUser RolesPREVIEW: Retrieve a list of user roles for a given organization unit.getPREVIEW: Add a new user role for a given organization unit.postPREVIEW: Retrieve a user role for a given organization unit and user role id.getAccess GroupsPREVIEW: Creates a new device type access group.postPREVIEW: Retrieve Access Groups Information for an Org Unit by ID.getPREVIEW: Creates a new organization unit type access group.postPREVIEW: List the access group related links.getPREVIEW: Retrieve detailed information for a specific Access Group by ID.getJob StatusesPREVIEW: Fetch job statusesgetActive IssuesPREVIEW: Fetch active issuesgetRegistration TokensPREVIEW: Retrieve a site registration token.getPREVIEW: Retrieve a organization unit registration token.getPREVIEW: Retrieve a customer registration token.getDevice TasksRetrieve tasks for a specific device.getPSAPREVIEW: Validate Standard PSA Credentials.postPREVIEW: Retrieve detailed information for a specific Custom PSA Ticket by ID.postPREVIEW: List the standard psa related links.getPREVIEW: List the custom psa related links.getPREVIEW: List the custom psa tickets related links.getReturn the start and current time of the server. This indicates that the server is running.get https://{custom-server}/api/health