URL encoding of special characters


The SOAP API is now classed as a legacy system. While we won’t be adding new features or functionality, we will maintain its availability and provide ongoing support. We recommend using our REST API for new calls and when updating existing SOAP calls. For more information, please visit our REST API documentation.

Some characters are utilized by URLs for special use in defining their syntax. When these characters are not used in their special role inside a URL, they must be encoded.

CharacterCode Points (Hexadecimal)Code Points (Decimal)
Dollar ("$")2436
Ampersand ("&")2638
Plus ("+")2B43
Comma (",")2C44
Forward slash/Virgule ("/")2F47
Colon (":")3A58
Semi-colon (";")3B59
Equals ("=")3D61
Question mark ("?")3F63
'At' symbol ("@")4064

Some characters present the possibility of being misunderstood within URLs for various reasons. These characters should also always be encoded.

CharacterCode Points (Hexadecimal)Code Points (Decimal)Details
Space2032Significant sequences of spaces may be lost in some uses (especially multiple spaces)
Quotation Marks2234These characters are often used to delimit URLs in plain text.
'Less Than' symbol ("<")3C60
'Greater Than' symbol (">")3E62
'Pound' Character ("#")2335This is used in URLs to indicate where a fragment identifier (bookmarks/anchors in HTML) begins.
Percent Character ("%")2537This is used in URLs to encode/escape other characters. It should also be encoded.
Miscellaneous CharactersSome systems can possibly modify these characters.
Left Curly Brace ("{")7B123
Right Curly Brace ("}")7D125
Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|")7C124
Backslash ("\")5C92
Caret ("^")5E94
Tilde ("~")7E126
Left Square Bracket ("[")5B91
Right Square Bracket ("]")5D93
Grave Accent ("`")6096

As N-able encourages users to utilize 'special characters' in passwords, the foreseeable problem arises when these values are passed as part of a URL string. There is currently no way to detect this situation after the fact. As a result, the username and password must be encoded before the request is sent to N-able N-central.

Before Encoding:

https://serverName/deepLinkAction.do?userName=[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])&password=Hello%There&method=defaultDashboard

After Encoding:


There are several ways to accomplish the correct URL-encoding. The easiest method is to submit the information as part of a form:

<form action="https://serverName/deepLinkAction.do" method=get>  
 <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="[email protected]">
 <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="password" VALUE="Hello%There">  
 <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="method" VALUE="defaultDashboard">
 <INPUT TYPE="submit">  

Another method is to encode these values before you construct the URL string. Javascript, for example, uses 'escape' to do this.

`URL = "https://serverName/deepLinkAction.do?userName=" + escape('[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])') + "&password=" + escape("Hello%There") + "&method=defaultDashboard";